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When error occurs while you compile or run an ASP page, IIS generates a 500;100 error and executes a Server.Transfer() method to pass control to the currently defined custom error page. (By default this page is "WinDir/help/iishelp/common/500-100.asp")

When control is passed to the custom error page, the Server.GetLastError() method can be used to obtain detailed information regarding the error that occurred. for more info [Creating Custom ASP Error Pages]

While you can setup a custom ASP error page for some website as described in the MSDN article mentioned before; why not customize the default IIS error 500 page [WinDir/help/iishelp/common/500-100.asp] directly,To present users with a friendly error message and do server-wide error logging and/or send it to IT Email..

This is modification for the 500-100.asp to display an error message and send email to IT:
<%@ language="VBScript" %>
<% Option Explicit

If Response.Buffer Then
  Response.Status = "500 Internal Server Error"
  Response.ContentType = "text/html"
  Response.Expires = 0
End If

Call SendError()
  Body,TD  {FONT-SIZE: 11px; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma }
  <title>Unexpected Error</title>
  <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text-html; charset=Windows-1252">
  <h3 align="center">Unexpectd Error</h3>
  An unexpected error has occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  <p>Please try the following:</p>
   <li>Click the <a href="javascript:location.reload()">Refresh</a> button, or try again later.</li>
   <li>Open the home page, and then look for links to the information you want. </li>
Sub SendError()
  Dim er : Set er = Server.GetLastError      
  Dim msg : msg = "Error 500 on "& Now &"<br>"
  msg = msg & "category:"& er.Category & "<br>"
  If er.ASPCode>"" Then msg = msg & "aspcode:"& er.ASPCode & "<br>"
  msg = msg & "number:"& hex(er.Number) & "<br>"
  If er.ASPDescription > "" Then
    msg = msg & "description:"& er.ASPDescription & "<br>"
  ElseIf er.Description >"" Then
    msg = msg & "description:"& er.Description & "<br>"
  end If
  If er.Source > "" Then msg = msg & "source:"& er.Source & "<br>"
  If er.File <> "?" Then
    msg = msg & "file:"& er.File & "<br>"
    If er.Line > 0 Then msg = msg & "line:"& er.Line & "<br>"
    If er.Column > 0 Then msg = msg & "column:"& er.Column & "<br>"
  End If
  msg = msg & "USER_AGENT:"& Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "<br>"
  msg = msg & "REQUEST_METHOD:"& Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") & "<br>"
  msg = msg & "SCRIPT_NAME:"& Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") & "<br>"
  if Request.QueryString>""Then msg = msg & "QueryString:"& Request.QueryString & "<br>"
  if Request.Form>""Then msg = msg & "Post:"& Left(Request.Form,500) & "<br>"
  Call SendEmail(IT_Email,IT_Email,"Error 500",msg)
End Sub

* don't forget to disable "Show friendly HTTP error messages" In IE under Tools/Internet Options/Advanced


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Mike MoreWeb developer, jQuery plugin author, social media fan and Technology Blogger.
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